Title: Gravitational wave from phase transition in neutron stars
Speaker: Prof. Shu Lin(Sun Yat-sen University)
Time: 3 :00pm, Apr. 12th , (Friday), 2019
Place: Seminar room 319, Theoretical Physics Division
We propose a new source for gravitational wave radiation associated with the QCD phase transition in the inner cores of neutron stars. The mechanism is based on the bubble dynamics during the first-order phase transition from nuclear matter to quark matter. We identify the characteristic frequency to be of order ω_c~106 rad/s for this kind of sources and the strain magnitude (h~10^?24 for a neutron star at a distance of 0.1 Mpc), which might be reachable by future GW detectors. The GW spectra carry useful information about the transition at high baryon chemical potential and also constrain the radius and density of the inner cores.