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【01.26】Tetrahedron instantons
文章來源:  2022-02-09
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報告題目:Tetrahedron instantons
報告人:張欣宇 博士(德國電子同步加速器研究所)
主持人:張 昊 副研究員(中科院高能所)
時間:2022年1月26日(周三) 下午15點
Zoom:4456457666 / 123456

We introduce and analyze tetrahedron instantons, which can be realized in string theory by D0-branes probing a configuration of intersecting D6-branes with a nonzero constant background B-field. Physically they capture instantons in six-dimensional gauge theories with the most general intersecting codimention-two supersymmetric defects. We study the properties of the moduli space of tetrahedron instantons. We compute the instanton partition function, which lies between the higher-rank Donaldson-Thomas invariants and the partition function of the magnificent four model. Remarkably the instanton partition function has a closed-form expression in terms of the plethystic exponential, and matches the index of M-theory on a Calabi-Yau fivefold. Our computations provide an equivariant test of the duality between M-theory and type IIA string theory.



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